answer the public having a laugh answer The article describes the implementation of a question-answering system based on knowledge of public political discourse. An ontology of the subject area was developed, a program was developed to publish an answer to a question on the topic of political discourse in the Kazakh language
choose the best answer This blog post features 25 multiple-choice questions that explore essential concepts of Performance Testing and JMeter. 1. This graphical application is 100% Java-based and open source, also known as __ JMeter. Select the best answer ApacheJavaAjaxSQL Answer 2. What is Apache JMeter primarily used for? Choose…
answer the public Another place to find related subjects and search terms to write about is a website called Answer the Public. The site tells you the who, what, when, and where type queries people are curious about. It returns the answer to your query visually, like this: